Qualities of Jesus in his ancestors names – part 1

This is the fifth in the series of posts unpacking the prophecy of Jesus hidden in the names of his forebears. In the last post,“The fame of the healer” we left the prophecy hanging mid sentence. We had see how the names from Shem to Peleg created the statement … “The renown of the healer/releaser Read More …

The Fame of the Healer

This is the fourth installment in the post series on the prophecies hidden in the names of Jesus’ ancestors. In the previous three posts we made it down to Noah, (see Jesus’ life in his ancestors, The Glory of God descends and Judgement or Grace). The ancestors names told the story of Jesus’ life creating Read More …

Judgement or Grace, the prophecy hidden in Enoch’s heirs.

This post is part of a series, see Jesus’ life in his ancestors and The glory descends. In these last two posts we looked at standard meanings for the names of Jesus’ ancestors and discovered that they formed short prophetic statements. We had come to Enoch and had various options such as: “Multi-part God the Read More …

The Glory of God descends to dedicate a teacher.

(This is a follow up post to Jesus life in his ancestors). In the last post we explored a couple of way of reading the names of Jesus’ ancestors from Elohim (God) to Kenan(Begotten or Sorrowful) could be read as “Multi-God the builder is appointed mortal born sorrowful” or “God a man is appointed mortal Read More …

Jesus life in his ancestors: God to Kenan

It was way back when I first noticed that if you translated the names of Jesus’ ancestors you got descriptions that sounded very much like his earthly life. I first spotted it in the names from Shem to Abram, for instance my concordance listed the name “Arpachsad” as meaning “healer” or “releaser” and “Reu” as Read More …

Jesus in “in the beginning”, – a son made desolate!

I’ve just spotted this… I’ve had a hunch for a while that I would spot more in Genesis 1:1 than I’ve already written up (see “Jesus in the Beginning”) and I just saw a description of the pictographic roots of the words “Father” and “Son” in Hebrew, (which will need a future post too) and Read More …

Signs on the Earth and in The Sky.

One of the things people most enjoy when I’m teaching through the Gospels are the ways in which apparent contradictions and puzzles are resolved by discoveries in secular history or even science. For instance there is no documentary evidence outside the Gospels for an earthquake in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus death, leading many Read More …