If we read the Bible with the view ‘How does this show me Jesus?’ we will begin to see Christ in all its pages…. and as we meet Him there we will be transformed. (2 Cor 3:18).
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“Christen Forster has given us a treasure with his Jesus Centred series…” – Dr Brian Simmons, Translator of the Passion Bible.
![]() £6 – Jesus in Worship and Wonder: Melody, Mystery and the Messiah – Psalms. The Jesus Centred Series jumped ahead of the usual release schedule to open up the Wisdom section of the Old Testament. This book covers 73 Psalms explicitly while giving the reader the tools to find Jesus in even more. This is a fantastic resource for worship leaders as well as teachers and small group leaders and those that just want to learn for their own sake. “Christen Forster’s obvious delight in unearthing insights into Jesus in the Psalms spills over on page after page..” – Graham Kendrick, Worship Leader and Hymn Writer. |
![]() £6 – The amazing introduction to how Jesus is revealed in the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi. This first book in the Jesus Centred Series will introduce to a a broad spectrum of ways in which Jesus is found on every page of the Bible, from the cryptic and quirky to the soundly surprising, it follows seven threads of revelation through their mystical to their mainstream meanings. |
![]() £6 – The amazing story of how Jesus is revealed and present in the creation story and mankind’s primeval history. The first part of Genesis sets up themes and motif’s that run through the entire Bible. From the appointed son who will crush the serpent’s head to the Saviour whose rest means the “curse is reversed”, we discover that the Cross was not an after thought. |
![]() £6 – The amazing story of how Jesus is revealed and known by the patriarchs from Abraham to Judah and Joseph. The Word becomes flesh in Abraham’s story and and Jesus is named as Jacob’s faith. There is more of Jesus in the second part of Genesis than is instantly apparent! |
![]() £6 – The amazing story of how Jesus is revealed in the story of the Exodus, a myth that actually happened. The Exodus from Egypt is the historical root of the Old Testament’s theology of Salvation, just as the Gospel is the root of the New’s. This book sets the Great Escape in it’s ancient historical context and draws out the theology and typoplogy that is relevant in every age. |
![]() £8.99 The Supra-natural Hope – The Story of Christ in You. The Father has a plan for your life; one that confirms the value He has placed on you. He calls you. Not because He needs servants, but because He has sons and daughters who He wants to see reach their potential. The Supra-natural Hope is about discovering the story already being written in you and seeing how it can grow forward. “There are very few books on Identity and Significance that call one into life, freedom and opportunity; more often than not straying into striving and self-help … This transparent and well-written work cannot but help you take huge steps upward and onward to a greater comprehension of identity, purpose and hope. “ – JOHN ARNOTT, CATCH THE FIRE MINISTRIES, TORONTO. |
![]() £7.99 The Supra-natural Life – Where Word and Spirit Meet. Jesus said He had come to give us an abudant life. This promise is like the open sky above us, but it is only as we dare to fly higher with Him that we begin to see the possibilities beyond our old horizons. What does this ‘abundant life’ look like? “Christen brings a multi-faceted revelation concerning how to naturally live an unprecedented Christian life by the power of the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend this outstanding book. “ – Che Ahn, Senior Pastor Harvest Rock Church. |
We still have copies from the original self published series! These are and excellent cheaper resource for group studies, see below.

Is Jesus in the Fathers available yet?
Yes, see http://jesuscentred.org/e/buy-jesus-in-the-fathers/
Are your books available in the United States?
Hi John, Not directly… yet. But we can ship them from the UK I do get occassional requests… in theory our European distributor could distribute in the US but in practice I think they need to see the interest first.
… Please stay in touch though and if you like the material I do online teaching with partners… I havee one US partner at the moment.
Sorry, last comment should have been addessed to Alan.
Is it possible to purchase the Play Books? I have a copy of ‘Living the Last Week’ but would like copies of the other 2.
Thanks, Sally
Hi Sally,
I’ve asked Ann to contact you with details on how to get them… sorry for the delay.
Hi Christen,
I have the self-published version of Jesus in the Old Testament. Is the newer version significantly different? I’d like to ask for the whole series for Christmas, but don’t need two books the same.
Jackie Turner.
Hi Jackie… the latter series is about twice the length… the format is roughly the same though… and there is a nice resource on the development of Hebrew letters in the appendix… by the way have you seen the YouTube channel too?