Category: Fun Stuff
Video clips, pictures, quizes and such

The Genesis Seminar
Watch the video overview. This is a slightly longer video… so we suggest you grab a pen and get comfortable. Once you’ve watched think about whether you should share it, online or as part of a church home group, a discussion group etc. And if you enjoyed it and/or learned something we would Read More …

The Structure of the Old Testament (useful for navigation)
A description of how you can use the shape of the Old Testament to navigate this site… but if you’ve not seen it before it is useful to understand it anyway! Apostles on one side, Prophets on the right and the Wisdom of Priests in the middle! Or even more usefully you can watch the Read More …

Video overview of Genesis from The Bible Project
I was teaching through Exodus recently when someone asked me if I had seen The-Bible-Projects video on Exodus… I hadn’t but I have now and it was excellent… and given that I’m pulling bits out of books rather than review the whole story of each book in my posts I thought I should post some Read More …
The road to metropolis
“Don’t you know young man that from every town, and every village, and every little hamlet in England, wherever it may be, there is a road to London?” “Yes,” said the young man. “Ah!” said the old divine “and so from every text in Scripture, there is a road to the metropolis of the Scriptures, Read More …

Jesus in Exodus Quiz
Test your knowledge of how Jesus appears in the Exodus. Not so much prophecy, but His name does appear and there is a lot of typology and teaching references plus of course a lot of God in visible form. Of course the big themes in Exodus that model Jesus are the Passover and the Tabernacle… Read More …

Jesus in Genesis Quiz
Test your knowledge of how Jesus appears in the first book of the Bible. This is a short quiz, just 11 questions, it doesn’t by any stretch cover all that could be said about Jesus in Genesis… but it is fun and if you get the question correct there is often a extra bit of Read More …

Jesus’ Friends and Family Quiz
This is not one of those quizes that everyone finds easy… but stick with it till the end, there are explanations and answers. How much do you know about the people in Jesus family tree and the names and relationship of friends and family as recorded in the Gospel’s? Please note two assumptions: First, that Read More …

True and Better
This is a great video by Dan Stevers. You can download it along with others for use in home groups etc. Hope you enjoy it!
Jesus on every page and on the inside cover….
Sent to me by Leo C. Seems that Jesus putting His mark on Scriptures is more than just a metaphore!